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February 17, 2005

Free Speech on Campus

Interesting free speech issues have emerged on the campus of the University of Alabama. On the one hand, a group of students preparing to perform The Vagina Monologues has been kicked off campus for no apparent reason. At the same time, the faculty Senate is proposing something of a speech code for University-funded events. This is somewhat different than an across the board speech code, but it certainly raises an eybrow. Some students are opposing the measure.

I actually think the University was wrong to deny the women the opportunity to use student facilities to perform their play, however lewd it might be. (And it is, believe me - I saw it once on HBO) The speech issue is somewhat trickier. The Faculty proposing the resolution is doing so on the grounds that only University-sponsored events would be subject to restrictions. It still makes me uncomfortable. Slippery-slope and all that. It's bad enough we're forced to have a "free speech zone."

Posted by Matt at February 17, 2005 10:16 AM

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