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March 25, 2005

Sharpton Criticizes Rap Violence

Good for Al Sharpton. He’s not one of our favorite politicians or reverends, but he deserves credit for taking on violence in the hip hop culture and the radio stations that support it.

Sharpton asked the Federal Communications Commission yesterday to punish artists and radio stations connected with violent acts. After meeting with FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and two other commissioners, Sharpton said artists connected to such acts should be denied airplay on radio and television for 90 days, he told reporters. He also urged the agency to fine and review the licenses of radio stations "that encourage a pattern of this, including allowing employees to do on-the-air inciting of violence." (Source)

It will take individuals such as Sharpton to bring change in this area. It’s leadership that should be noticed and applauded.

Posted by Jim at March 25, 2005 07:54 AM

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Jim: I'll have more to say about this later, as I have a decent knowledge of rap to be a pasty white kid with a strange fixation on old country, but the problem today with mainstream rap - the stuff that is sold in most stores and seen on television - is the sheer hedonism and misogynism of the lyrics. There's still a violent element, but I don't think it is what it once was. I don't doubt Sharpton's sincerity, but it's entirely possible that he needs a new meal ticket.

Posted by: Matt at March 25, 2005 10:09 AM

Good. I'll be glad for the help. If I've listened all the way through a rap song it was by accident!

Posted by: Jim Jewell at March 25, 2005 10:40 AM