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March 25, 2005

The Africa Crisis

Africa is a mess, and it needs our help. On that, we should all be able to agree. As a lifelong U2 fan, I've been sympathetic to Bono's concern for the continent, which in turn inspired another favorite band, the Innocence Mission, to record an album to benefit African relief.

A few weeks ago, I noted a Bono quote suggesting that American Christians are viewed as stingy by the rest of the world, even our fellow Christians. Now Fareed Zakaria has a column in Newsweek discussing America's Africa policy. John Miller took great offense to Zakaria's commentary. So did Ramesh Ponurru. And John Derbyshire. And Jonah Goldberg. And Nick Schulz.

Concerned readers should follow the Corner on this one. Bono, whose heart I believe to be in the right place, and others talk often about Africa and the need for help, but it is the American right that has offered the most innovation in recent years. The WHO and other organizations have been an abysmal failure as of late. While I support efforts to repair that damaged continent, we must be mindful that we are not led to feel guilty by those whose ideas are stale and worn.

Posted by Matt at March 25, 2005 10:50 AM
