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June 07, 2005

Senator Brownback

One of our readers has inquired about our thoughts concerning Kansas Senator Sam Brownback. I do not speak for my fellow bloggers, but here goes. On the whole, I like him. Brownback is a faithul conservative on economic and military issues. I am thankful for this. I love his support of human rights issues, particularly as it relates to the issue of genocide in Darfur. Brownback is a strong pro-life, pro-family advocate. For the most part, I have no quarrel with him. Indeed, I am thankful for his presence in the Senate and he has my support.


Everytime I hear him talk of the Senate needing to get Hollywood to "clean up its act" or somesuch nonsense I am nervous and annoyed. I realize there is plenty of garbage in film and on television, but the Senate's job is elsewhere.

Posted by Matt at June 7, 2005 02:05 PM

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