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« Analysis of the Roberts SCOTUS Nomination | Main | "In your face ordinations" and how to report them »

July 19, 2005

Another Promise Kept

I certainly share Rick's enthusiam about the nomination of John Roberts. Great choice :)

As I've said before, any political pressure to choose a non-european or a woman was false. The best person should be the one for the job. By all accounts, John Roberts is the most qualified, intelligent, gracious and conservative choice. know, he's 50 years old. So, I applaud President Bush for rising above speculation that he would bow any any of these pressures. Back during the '04 election, there was a large emphasis on the possibility that the President would be able to make a nomination to the court and that we had to give that the consideration it deserved in casting our vote. With this nomination President Bush has stood up for one of the main reasons he was re-elected.

I admit to not know much about John Roberts. But I also admit to having a weakness for the opinions of Bill Kristol. And Bill Kristol? He liked the choice and agreed that Roberts is extremely well suited for the position.

I also have respect for Hugh Hewitt's input and tonight he says this is a "home run."

I respect also Kathryn Jean Lopez who said to Hugh on his show "It's a great night."

I'm sure there will be many more bloggers, both here at SCO and all around who are giving their opinions and giving a round up of everyone else's opinion and that is great. We should continue the buzz about this because it is a definite win for the Bush Administration.

Oh, did we mention that John G. Roberts is 50 years old?

Posted by Abigail at July 19, 2005 10:54 PM

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