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August 11, 2005

CNN No Longer Checking its Facts?

Yesterday I talked with Carol Plat Liebau and Peter Robinson who are filling for Hugh Hewitt on his talk radio show while he's on vacation. The topic was the recent NARAL ad portraying John Roberts as supporting abortion-clinic bombers. According to the web site, this portrayal is false. However, CNN is still going to run the ad.

Why would CNN run an ad that says is false? Maybe they don't put much credence in what says. Well, except that during the 2004 election campaign, they went repeatedly to that web site to find information for debunking some of the candidates' claims. And now all of a sudden, when there's a concerted liberal effort to discredit a conservative Supreme Court nominee, they ignore it? Sounds like a rather convenient a change of heart.

Click here to listen! [This recording from The Hugh Hewitt Show (WGKA, Atlanta, GA) on 8/10/2005 6:35pm EST (277K).]

Posted by Doug at August 11, 2005 08:47 AM

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And this is interesting why? CNN is the same network that wouldn't discipline Robert Novak for burning a CIA operative, but needed to have him walk it off after he used the word "bullshit" on the air.

And is wrong— as I pointed out in my comments to the previous thread. However, I see no reason to be optimistic that CNN has finally recognized that has burned its credibility. A more likely explanation is that CNN doesn't care about the factualness of the claims in the political advertising it runs. It never has, and it hasn't started to.

Posted by: s9 at August 11, 2005 12:04 PM

Sorry, s9. FactCheck got it right. See here in the original thread of your points for my counterpoints.

Posted by: Doug Payton at August 11, 2005 03:14 PM

I disagree, and I followed up with my reasons for finding your rebuttal unconvincing.

Posted by: s9 at August 11, 2005 06:38 PM