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February 07, 2005

Judge May Rule on Terry Schaivo's Life This Week

The life of Terry Schaivo in Florida hangs in the balance and a judge may make a decision as early as today.

Tim at Blogicus points to new information that may become important with Terry Schaivo’s fate is in the hands of the Florida judge.

It is not surprising that several pro-life groups say they plan to flood Florida with activists should a local judge set aside the stay that is in place prohibiting Michael Schiavo from starving her to death. Judge George Greer could decide as early as [today] whether to lift the stay. Should he do that, the pro-life groups will bring "scores of people" to the state to "pray, lobby and peacefully intervene on Terri's behalf."

Janet Folger at Faith2Action reports on her site that

Christian organizations announced [last Thursday] a nationwide campaign to save the life of Terri Schiavo if feeding and hydration tube is removed. Groups will encourage all those who cherish the culture of life to come to Florida and stand in solidarity with Terri and her family should the courts order food and water withheld from her. Organizers hope scores will come from around the nation to pray, lobby and peacefully intervene on Terri's behalf.

Posted by Jim at February 7, 2005 08:46 AM

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» Following the Terri Schiavo Story from ProLifeBlogs
The danger to Terri Schiavo's life has become critical after the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Lakeland late Friday denied a handful of motions filed by her parents. This means, according to Michael Schiavo's attorney, that their son-in-law soon... [Read More]

Tracked on February 8, 2005 02:47 PM


If Michael Schaivo has nothing to hide (i believe he does) then he should turn over guardianship to the parents. He's such a Loving husband that he went on with his life years ago (2 kids & a girlfriend). I believe had he gotten her the therapy he was court ordered to do back in the early 90's we wouldn't have to worry about this. This is why I think he is coveribg up something that happened at that party years ago. Just think, they don't starve Death Row Prisoners because it would be cruel & inhumane..Go Figure!

Posted by: Debbie Mullins at February 22, 2005 02:40 PM

Everyone should write to Governor Jeb Bush......

Posted by: Paul Silagi at February 24, 2005 10:32 PM

Someone should set up a collection to buy Terry's life from her husband-it might be possible to gather enough cash to convince him to give up the insurance money he stands to collect when his wife dies and then he might be willing to divorce her and let her parents reclaim their place as guardians. I would instigate it myself but have no inkling how to begin. If anyone has an idea of how to set this up, please do it now. I bet that all of us out here who want to see Terry live would be willing to donate. I have lots of opinions about why we cannot demean humanity one more step by starving invalid people to death but there is no time for conversation. If anyone has any experience or contacts who can initiate such an effort you can add me to your help list. Terry Schiavo should not die.

Posted by: Corinne Will at March 1, 2005 02:57 PM

Someone should set up a collection to buy Terry's life from her husband-it might be possible to gather enough cash to convince him to give up the insurance money he stands to collect when his wife dies and then he might be willing to divorce her and let her parents reclaim their place as guardians. I would instigate it myself but have no inkling how to begin. If anyone has an idea of how to set this up, please do it now. I bet that all of us out here who want to see Terry live would be willing to donate. I have lots of opinions about why we cannot demean humanity one more step by starving invalid people to death but there is no time for conversation. If anyone has any experience or contacts who can initiate such an effort you can add me to your help list. Terry Schiavo should not die.

Posted by: Corinne Will at March 1, 2005 02:58 PM

my niece,beame a brain damaged young woman,in july 1982,due to a car accident,at age 20.(11 days past her accident,her parents decided to take her off life support(a respirator)well she continued to breathe on her own,so now what?she went on tube feedings,for the next 7 &1/2 years,then god decided,when she should husband or judge,made this decision..this is what should be allowed to happen in terry schaivo's case.let God decide when it's time!!!

Posted by: gerri robbins at March 13, 2005 08:47 PM

Remove all artificial life support !!!! God will
take her when the time is right..Government on ALL levels should mind their own damn is a personal issue-keep it that way. She, of course, has the right to life...God will decide....her parents are so very wrong..her husband is right...and as I said the government has no business here, but, the current administration has decided we are stupid and that they are the only ones with brains--therefore they will make decisions for us. Remove all artificial life it now...allow her some dignity in her remaining time on earth.

Posted by: betty boop at March 20, 2005 08:04 AM

I can't get Terry out of my mind or heart. I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could justify starving someone to death. She isn't comatose. Can she talk and take care of herself? No. But then, neither can many autistic children - should we starve them to death too? Therapy sometimes helps them, sometimes not, but either way, if you starved one of them to death, you'd go to prison in a heartbeat, and the world would be horrified. Terry is NOT braindead - she smiles, she laughs, her eyes just light up when her family is around her. It breaks my heart to think of her slowly slipping away, her smiles and laughter fading away.

As far as whether this is how she would have chosen to live - of course not, but now that that is all she has, who's to say what she thinks about it? If there was no legal document signed by her, how can the courts just accept her husband's claim, years later, that she would wish to die under these circumstances? Especially with a million dollar motivation in the background. I don't know his motive, maybe he just wants to move on with his life, and I can understand that - but if that's the case, then divorce her and let her parents take over as her guardians. Who knows where she would be today if she'd been given the therapy, as was supposed to happen. Why didn't it happen, Michael? What would Terry say about that?!

I pray that this will not happen, and hope others will join in supporting Terry's family and praying for her.

Posted by: Kathy Decker at March 22, 2005 03:05 PM

All this talk about not knowing "for sure" what Terry wants, I see it as hogwash. Its obvious to me what Terry wants, To live. This woman has been thru the wash and back again. People talking about how she is brain dead and will never recover. She already has. The question to remove her feeding tube is unethical. Thats not a question that is hard to answer at all. If I wake up in the morning and decide that im not going to feed my 2 year old anymore, figuring that if she wants to live she will feed herself and if she doesnt she wont, well that kind of thinking will land me in jail for murder. So why is it, that this is even an issue. Terry is not on life support. She CHOOSES to breathe. I believe that is what all of us learn in high school, breathing is a voluntary muscle. There are no machines making her breath or keeping her alive, she does that on her own. She needs a little help to nourish her body. Jeepers, dont we all? Brain injuries are to new for us to make a judgement call. If terry were anyone of there chilren you know as well as I they too would be fighting to keep her tube in. I might only be a 24 year old from "redneckville" Pennslvania, but im a mother of 2 myself. My foster mother suffered a severe brain injury do to 4 strokes in a 24 hour period. She was left paralyzed and partially brain dead. She didnt recognize any of us. She was a tough farm girl who was use to rising early for chores and bailing hay all day in the summer. I know that this is not the life she would have chosen for herself, and yet she made the decision to live. She made this decision because she knew on some level of consciousness that this is better than death. Know that even though I am not able to fight by your side and cry with you, that I am there in my thoughts, in my conversations and most of all in my prayers.

Posted by: Donnalee at March 24, 2005 11:07 PM

I pray for a miracle that Terry's life will be spared. Her husband wants to execute her because she cannot speak for herself. This sets a awful prescedence for all people who are not perfect or are disabled. It branches into neo nazism. Why isn"t her husband by her side trying to help her recover?I wish their marriage could be anulled because he has broken his marriage vows ,he has no rights to her guardianship.

Posted by: Lorraine Shepherd at March 26, 2005 09:34 AM


Posted by: FUNK at March 26, 2005 07:19 PM

I havent really been keeping up with the news very well so i want to know how did she got brain damage? anyone wanna explain

Posted by: Hayley at March 26, 2005 09:04 PM

also would you guys want to be on life support for the rest of your lives?... and not be able to enjoy the sweet simplicities of the world ????

Posted by: Hayley at March 26, 2005 09:10 PM

Please consider that Terry may have been trying to say "I want to die." If I was in her situation, I certainly would. If anyone wanted to keep me alive, I am sure their intentions are good and honorable, but what Terry is going through would be personal hell for me and I would in absolutely no way want that. My only complaint is that we should not euthanizing people by the removal of food and water, but Christian groups will not allow any meaningful discussion of euthanasia. I told my husband that if I should ever reach that state and that all reasonable therapies had failed, please just put a bullet in my head.

Posted by: Terese at March 27, 2005 09:35 AM

Isaiah 5:13b Their nobles die of hunger, and their masses are parched with thirst. (for the evildoers)
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, ...
Isaiah 5:21 Woe to those who are wise in their own sight...
Isaiah 5:23b ... and deprive the just man of his rights!
Isaiah 5:24b ... For they have spurned the law of the Lord of Hosts, ...
Isaiah 5:25 (Look it up)

Posted by: Anita at March 28, 2005 04:53 PM