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March 22, 2005

What if?

Just in case you need some perspective on the Terri Schiavo case, Noel at Sharp Knife, is happy to provide. (Hat tip: What Attitude Problem)

If Terry Schiavo had only starred in "Superwoman", we'd find a way not to kill her.

If she were a corporation, we'd indict the Chief Financial Officer--her HINO (husband-in-name-only).

If she were a killer, she'd be protected under the supreme court's ban on executing the retarded.

If she were a terrorist, Teddy Kennedy would be making blistering speeches on the Senate floor condemning her torture-by-starvation.

If she were a teen-aged murderer, she'd be spared execution under the 'Cruel & Unusual' clause.

If she were Scott Peterson, she'd get an automatic appeal...and 20 more years of life.

If she were a beached dolphin, we'd demand not just her feeding, but that heroic measures be taken.

If she were in Guantanamo, we'd see to it that she had appropriate meals and medical care.

If she were on another Death Row, her parents and her priest would be allowed visitation.

. . .

And if we hadn't been desensitized by three decades of the Death Culture . . .

would we even ask "If"?

Posted by Drew at March 22, 2005 06:34 PM

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The comparisons seem apt. Our trust in the legal system has proven to be excessive and misplaced. Judges have been granted extraordinary power within society, and now we’re shocked to see that they’ve begun to operate as a law unto themselves, divorced from the constitutional restraint, Congressional oversight (now viewed as “quaint’), and most obviously the will of the public as it relates to individual rights and freedoms thought to be guaranteed in law.

Where and how things have been allowed to go so wrong is a matter for investigation. But the times demand action, and where Terri Schiavo is concerned, time is running out. The public is reduced to watching, some with tape over their mouths, to signify their enforced silence while the judges’ version of “due process” is being carried out.

Posted by: RLG at March 23, 2005 10:59 AM

Your words are unfortunately, true! Thank God her suffering is over...... poor woman.

Posted by: Sarah at April 7, 2005 12:14 AM