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April 24, 2005

Blog Fatigue

Joe Carter links to latest edition of The New Atlantis, which discusses among other blog-related issues, blog fatigue. Joe makes the following observation:

I used to encourage people to start a blog. Now I’m more hesitant. Some people have intellectual gifts that should be shared with a broader audience. Others of us may just need a medium to hone our writing skills. But for some people, blogging has become something they feel they should be doing rather than something they feel passionate about. If you’re feeling the fatigue of blogging it might be a good time to ask yourself if it is something you really want to be doing. The barriers to entry in the blogosphere are low. But getting out isn’t always so easy.

I'll admit that the current SCO format is largely the result of blog fatigue. I appreciate many things about the new SCO and my partners, but most of all, I appreciate the fact that blogging is more enjoyable without all the pressure to perform daily. We're all very busy guys, and although there is still a bit of pressure to keep insightful content on the page for our readers, for me, the pressure is nothing in comparison to what it was a few months ago. I can focus on family, work, and school, and still blog. That's fantastic!

Rather than asking yourself if blogging is something you really want to be doing, perhaps ask yourself if blogging the way you are currently blogging is really something you want to be doing. I like the group blog model and although it's not for everyone, perhaps it is a happy medium between stressing out and giving up. It worked for me.

To conclude, a word from Lileks. I know this isn't directly related, but I had to work it in somehow.

Another blogger, James Lileks, described the demands of the blogging routine: “This is an odd hobby. It’s like having a train set, a gigantic train set in the basement, and in the morning you not only find a derailment, you find people streaming out of the tiny houses yelling at you.”
I love it! If you are a blogger with a medium to large sized train set, I'm sure you can relate.

Posted by Rick at April 24, 2005 05:43 PM

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» Fatigue from The American Mind
Rick at Stones Cry Out writes about "blog fatigue" and how he solved his: I'll admit that the current SCO... [Read More]

Tracked on April 29, 2005 01:41 AM
