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April 21, 2005

Those Darn Twixters

On Tuesday Al Mohler reprinted his column decrying the Twixter phenomenon. I'll say now, as I said when the piece originally ran, that when Mohler is befuddled when this generation won't grow up, he wrongly assumes that they have been raised in a mature, responsible way. Witness this quote:

Looking at this from a biblical perspective, the most tragic aspect of this development is the fact that these young people are refusing to enter into the adult experience and adult responsibilities that is their Christian calling. The delay of marriage will exact an undeniable social toll in terms of delayed parenthood, even smaller families, and more self-centered parents. The experiences of marriage and raising children are important parts of learning the adult experience and finding one's way into the deep responsibilities and incalculable rewards of genuine adulthood.

Well my goodness. We talk about how un-Biblical this phenomenon is, yet is anyone looking in the mirror and taking Evangelicals to task? I don't want to be one of those blame-the-Church first people. Yet if we see a problem, we might want to look at how it came to be.

My responses can be found here, here and here. The post are in chronological order.

Posted by Matt at April 21, 2005 08:47 AM

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What gets me is the "Christian calling" to be an adult, as Mohler has formulated it. I always thought a Christian calling was something like "take up your cross and follow me" or "go therefore and make disciples." While I agree with him wholeheartedly about the problems of delayed adulthood (caused mostly, Id argue, by economically-empowered young adults and the pervasive youth culture), I don't see how growing up is an exclusively Christian responsibilty. It's something everyone should (and will) do eventually.

Posted by: DMD at April 22, 2005 05:01 PM