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August 23, 2005

Casey Sheehan

No matter what you think about his mom, you need to read about Casey Sheehan, a true hero. Blackfive has the post. Hugh Hewitt comments: "When you are tempted to blast his mom, remind yourself of this man's sacrifice and heroism and assume as I do that he loved his mom deeply and would defend her like the fine son he must have been even if he disagreed with her politics." Agreed.

Posted by Rick at August 23, 2005 08:52 AM

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» Get to know Casey Sheehan from Tel-Chai Nation
Through Michelle Malkin, I found a profiling of army specialist Casey Sheehan, whose mother, the one and only Saint Cindy, shows little signs of actually loving [Read More]

Tracked on August 25, 2005 09:46 AM


I take the Dennis Prager stance on this story. It is not the mom that angers me, it is the coverage of Cindy by the MSM that really gets-my-goose.

I just think equal legitimacy should be given to moms who lost their sons but still support the war. Perhaps this type of coverage will start soon.

Posted by: the daily missive at August 23, 2005 11:32 AM

I live near and work at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. I see injured men and women from OIF and OEF every single day. I also see the families of these warriors, too. We watch news on AFRTS which shows popular news programs on a single channel. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. all on one channel. I see how the patients and their families react to stories on the various news shows. Without fail, every story on Cindy Sheehan causes anger and then disbelief. Most of these soldiers and families do not agree with Cindy Sheehan. Most support Pres. Bush and totally love their soldier-warrior. Most believe Cindy Sheehan needs therapy and is being used by the anti-war, leftist crowd who hate America anyway and that the MSM pushes her along. Most believe that she has lost her mind and is saying what is scripted and given to her.
That's what I hear and see. Thanks.

Posted by: rickinGermany at August 24, 2005 12:58 PM

Cindy Sheehan is a poor excuse for a mother. I'm not into the "politically correct" syndrome. She's transparent. She basked in the light of his achievements while he was alive and successful and is now basking in the light of his sacrifice and in doing so is attempting to counter his accomplishments in order to promote herself. She isn't a "victim" of the left. Who is using who? It appears to be a pretty even trade. Cindy gets lots of undeserving attention as does the commie/socialist groups she has chosen to associate herself with. It's disgusting. The opposing group should be re-named "You Spoke for Us Casey" and get that self-serving, all about me Cindy out of print. She has earned nothing but disdain from the soldiers and the American people. She knows nothing of love for her child.

Posted by: Pam at August 29, 2005 04:00 PM

One day when you realize the Bush administration cares nothing about those who suffer under it's policies for profit -- you will thank one woman who took a stand. That is Cindy Sheehan.

It doesn't take a lot to educate yourselves about what is going on -- Those who drowned in New Orleans could have been any of us. It's a matter of life or death at this point.

God forgive him.

Posted by: Mindi at September 16, 2005 08:00 PM

Let me start by saying that I am saddened by Casey Sheehan's death. I can sympathize with Cindy Sheehan's plight to bring recognition to her son's sacrifice, however, let us not forget what she seems to have forgotten---it was Casey's sacrifice, not his mother's. He chose, of his own free will to re-enlist in the military. He was not drafted as the young soldiers of a generation before him. He went into the military, and ultimately into Iraq with his eyes wide open. I dare say he knew and understood the risks of his choice. No man goes to war without the knowledge that he may not return.

Casey Sheehan was a brave and honorable young soldier, as are all of the men and women currently fighting to libertate the beligured nation of Iraq. While I do not agree with all of President Bush's policies and tactics as far as this war is concerned, I do believe in the men and women our nation has sent to fight. I WILL NOT belittle their sacrifices or destroy their honor as Cindy Sheehan has by saying they have died for nothing, that their deaths have been empty.

Mrs. Sheehan--Should you ever have occasion to read this, I wish for you to know that I am so sorry for your loss. I have never lost a child, so I am not able to understand your pain on it's fullest level. I am left to imagine what you must feel, and I know that my imagination will never do justice to your heartache. I can only say this--it is regretable that your son died, but you do not speak for me. I do not believe that he died for nothing. He didn't die because President Bush sent him to war--he died because he chose to follow his heart. His heart led him to fight for what he believed was a good and just cause. Whether he was right or wrong matters not. His sacrifice deserves to be honored and Casey deserves to be remembered--nothing more, nothing less--just remembered.

Posted by: Jennifer at December 26, 2005 01:10 PM