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August 24, 2005

New Voters and the 2008 Election

JR at RightFaith makes a great point in a post about Hillary Clinton's potential presidential candidacy and voters who will be going to the polls for the fist time in 2008:

In 2008, 45 million potential voters will head to the ballot box having no memory of the Clinton Presidency. Those born roughly from 1979-1990 never voted in an election where Mr. Clinton was on the ballot but will be eligible when Mrs. Clinton's name appears. 18-29 year-old, 2008 voters were more focused on Seinfeld, the Simpsons, and watching the new Disney movie, Aladdin (feel old yet?) than on the 1992 political scene.

While Mr. Clinton's promiscuous legacy births some vague memories ('wasn't he impeached?'), Mrs. Clinton's brings to mind...well, nothing. At most, she was the victim of her husband's infidelity, 'poor woman'. The political figure that she has become has no attachment to her or her husband's past in the mind of these new voters.

He is absolutely correct that for many of these voters their image of Ms. Clinton will be defined by what they hear from her campaign instead of what history has to say about her. Republicans will need to do a better job of making their case to these voters if they expect to retain the White House in 2008.

Posted by Tom at August 24, 2005 01:56 PM

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Tracked on September 21, 2005 01:31 AM


I have confidence in those 18-29 year-old Americans (I am 29). Most of them are smart, responsible, and I think they will do the right thing.

Liberals alway like to paint youngsters as sexually-crazed pot heads.

They are not.

Posted by: the daily missive at August 24, 2005 09:52 PM

Hmm, I don't know. I was born in 1981, so that's the early end of the 1979-1990 continuum, but I very vividly remember the stupid things Hillary Clinton did when she was in office...I mean, when her husband was in office, and I was only in high school at the time. So, hopefully the others my age will also have decent memories of those days, and it'll show in the polls.

Posted by: Torazarot at August 25, 2005 07:58 AM