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June 06, 2005

Emergent Christians and the GOP

Steve McCoy at the invaluable Reformissionary blog points to this essay by several leading thinkers in the Emergent church movement. The PDF version of the document can be found here. It's an interesting and important read, but I must take issue with a passage between the eigth and ninth points that discusses the tendency of evangelicalism to move towards "specific views on on U.S. domestic, foreign, military or economic policy."

This is a red herring. Politically conservative believers have not arrived at their current position willy-nilly. Christ still loves those who vote Democrat or at least non-GOP, but it is foolish to suggest that believers can vote however they like and God is A-Ok with the whole deal. I would refer these Emergent leaders to the following articles from Touchstone magazine:

Voting as Christians

Voting for Pontius Pilate

The Godless Party

Political Orphans

Pratical Atheism
(a must read!)

American Reservists

Posted by Matt at June 6, 2005 03:38 PM

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» Pretty much a White, Christian (and dangerous) party from Mike's Noise
Today, Drudge has a link to a video of DNC chairman Howard Dean making several choice remarks about the Republican party, including: [Read More]

Tracked on June 8, 2005 11:39 PM


I don't think that's their point in that section. I think they are simply saying that politics is more complicated than most Christians want to believe, and they would prefer a more generous view of what an evangelical is.

Posted by: Joe Thorn at June 6, 2005 04:02 PM

That's a fair point; I wouldn't define evangelical in political terms, but I still think they're ducking the issue.

Posted by: Matt at June 6, 2005 04:57 PM

Matt, they are ducking what issue? I don't see your point here and I agree with Joe on this one.

Posted by: Steve McCoy at June 7, 2005 02:29 PM